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STEiNE im Web - Gift tip smoky quartz necklace with 925 silver elements and ring-ring clasp
STEiNE im Web - Gift tip smoky quartz necklace with 925 silver elements and ring-ring clasp


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For already 20 years you can find many stones and beautiful jewellery here in our online shop!

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* UNIQUE *Gift tip!
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* All prices are inclusive of VAT, plus shipping costsshipping costs
Important note!

We expressly point out that the effects of the stones have so far neither been scientifically proven nor medically recognized! All statements made on this website do not constitute instructions for therapy or diagnosis in the medical sense.

From a scientific point of view, there is no evidence that so-called "healing stones" can prevent, alleviate or cure diseases.

The use of gemstones and minerals must in no way replace medical advice or help!